career advices from devmyresume


When we switch careers, finish colege, or start our path with a part-time job at school, we need to work on a resume. It is a challenging and time-consuming process and has multiple requirements to follow. Your resume should consist of many elements, neglecting which you risk of losing the …

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At least once during career life, every person has to face a job search. It is quite a stressful period, and you need to consider many things to succeed. One of them is a powerful resume. The colors you use in your CV are an integral part of its outlook, …

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There are situations in life, which can be quite stressful for any person. One of them is getting a new job and spending a first week at a completely different office. You have to meet so many new people, understand their jokes, get acquainted with documentation and learn specific software. …

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Anyone, who is planning a career change or simply wants to have his or her CV updated, needs to know all the later trends and changes to keep resume as interesting and up-to-date, as possible. Below is a brief and full description of all the formats you may need, when …

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If we had to name the most popular dilemma of the modern society it would definitely be ‘to share or not’. While you may want to keep your friends updated on the fun you had during summer vacation, sipping cocktails by the pool, think how your future employer may react. …

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