interview tips

If you are serious about changing your job or only starting your way after graduation, you will surely need some tips. They will help you to get ready for an interview and present yourself in the best light.

Such tips include:

  1. Learn everything about the industry and the firm. You don’t need to study the market thoroughly but it is necessary to know what place the firm occupies in the industry, what its main competitors are and what helps the company to develop. Such questions are often asked to make sure you understand the industry perfectly;
  2. Make sure you understand why you want the particular job. Before any interview keep a list of your selling points in your head. This means that you need to explain why you are perfect for the vacancy. Don’t forget to accompany every point with examples;
  3. Prepare for the most common questions in advance. Every book or article on career contains a list of the most common questions. Filter them according to your experience and field, and note down your answers;
  4. Prevent any concerns. There are more employees than vacancies on the market, so you will be scanned thoroughly on any interview. Make sure you understand manager’s concerns and have arguments prepared to prove that you are a perfect fit;
  5. Prepare questions. At the end of any interview, you will be asked whether you have any questions. If you respond ‘no’, the hiring manager might think that you are not interested in the job. That is why you need to prepare a couple questions to show that you are interested in the company and their offer;
  6. Prepare for the interview in front of the mirror or with your relatives. Speaking every answer out loud gives you a chance to gain confidence and indicate weak points;
  7. Remember that your interviewer is on your side. Make sure you both realize that you are not enemies and both of you are interested in a positive outcome of the meeting. Try to convey the thought that you are willing to learn more about the company and decide whether you are suitable for each other;
  8. The rule of ‘five minutes’. Studies show that interviewers make up their mind during the first five minutes and the rest of the time only look for confirmation of their opinion. That is why you need to enter the room with confidence and energy, giving the employer a chance to see how happy you are about the meeting;
  9. Make sure your selling points are clear. Provide examples and make sure the interviewer understands what your strong sides are;
  10.   Be active. Most of the candidates are so scared that they remain passive throughout the whole interview, although it is a huge mistake. Make sure you equally contribute to the interview and let the hiring manager see what makes you a good candidate;
  11.   Make sure you can cope with inappropriate questions. There are many questions, which may be considered illegal, such as religion, marital status, age or sexual orientation. You can either say that such questions have nothing to do with the interview or you can try to answer them. For example, if the interviewer asks you whether you are planning to have children, you can assure him that even if you have children one day, you are not planning to quit your job;
  12.   Remain positive. Even if you are asked what you didn’t like about your previous job or class, you need to answer what you liked about it despite any flaws. No one likes complainers, so it is important to show that you are taking everything positively;
  13.   Take a copy of your CV or resume to any interview. If the hiring manager forgets your copy, you will save lots of time and will help him to avoid embarrassment by handing an extra one;
  14.   Leave on a positive note. After finishing the interview, make sure you express how happy and exited you are. Tell the interviewer that you liked the company and the job, and you will be more than happy to become a part of the team. In addition, you can use MyPath career assessment and tell the hiring manager how your career interests correspond with the goals and desires of the company;
  15.   Use the question ‘tell us about yourself’ to the fullest. Usually it is the first question any employer asks, so make the most out of it. Instead of talking about your dogs, first relationships and childhood dreams, concentrate on your selling points and give examples. It is a great chance to focus attention of the interviewer on your key features during the first five minutes of the meeting;
  16.   Don’t worry to sound ‘polished’. Many employees think that sounding ‘canned’ is inappropriate. However, everything is completely different: if you are not prepared for an interview, you will sound insecure and nervous;
  17.   Use body language properly. Don’t forget about your clothes and all the gestures you make throughout the interview. This also includes handshakes, eye contact and a right posture. Avoid using perfume and always speak clearly to look professional and confident;
  18.   Never give up! Even if your interview went wrong but you still think that it is a perfect fit for you, don’t hesitate to write a note or an email or call the hiring manager. Explain that you understand that you failed but your aspirations are still strong. This strategy might fail but you will know that you did everything you could.

If you follow all the above tips, you will be 100% ready for the interview and the hiring manager will be able to see all of your strong sides.

2 min read

Further reading


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