Rescheduling a Job Interview

A job interview is the first and hopefully the last step on your way to getting the desired job position. If you pass this test, you will probably become a part of a team you have always wanted to work with. However, how to act when you cannot attend an interview? There are many reasons why people need to change schedule a job interview, including diseases, family emergency, important work responsibilities, etc. Even if you have good health, anything can happen, thus you must be ready for the worst scenario. Rescheduling is often the only way to get a wanted job since simply missing an interview is a straight way to a total failure.

Reasons Why to Reschedule an Interview

Rescheduling is possible when you have a solid reason to change the date or the time of an interview. Be sure, when you state a hungover, broken alarm clock, or a bad memory as the reason you need to reschedule a job interview, you would be denied. There are definite situations that may require a job interview rescheduling, which are the following:

  • Problems with Your Health;
  • Serious Work Responsibilities;
  • Family or Personal Emergency.

There is no doubt that your health is important, as same as some family matters. However, be aware of the fact that only critical health problems count, thus, when you have a simple migraine, you must attend an interview for sure. In a case with work responsibilities, it can happen when you need to deal with your work obligations on a previous job while looking for a new one. It also can happen when you still remain an employee of a certain company, but want to get another job position. An interviewer can excuse such family emergency like a death in the family or kid’s serious trauma. If you face another family matter that can wait, let it wait.

How to Reschedule an Interview

You need to be well aware of how to reschedule an interview and keep all the chances to get the desired job position. When dealing with rescheduling, make sure to check the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have a legitimate reason.
  2. Reach your interviewer as soonest.
  3. Always have a backup plan in your mind.

You need first to figure out your legitimate reason, and sent an email or reach your interviewer by phone to rearrange the interview time or date. When rearranging your meeting, make it as soon as possible. If you were communicating with your interviewer mostly on the phone, it is better to call when rescheduling an interview. If you have used to chat on email, you can send an e-mail letter to rearrange an interview.

Templates for Rescheduling

Email Script

Hello {Name of Interviewer/Employer},

I do hope to get a chance to talk with you about my responsibilities and role in {Company}.

Unfortunately, I {a brief reason to reschedule the interview}. Consequently, I hope we can reschedule the interview for another date {date or time}. I am available {a few other dates and times that suit you}.

I am sorry to ruin your schedule at the last moment, but I still believe you will find an opportunity to meet me.

Thank you for understanding, {Name of Interviewer/Employer},

Best wishes, {Your Name}


Phone Script

Hello {Name of Interviewer/Employer},

I wanted to reach you to talk over our forthcoming interview for a job {job title} position. We have arranged the interview for {exact date and time} at {place of an interview}. Regrettably, I need to reschedule {a brief reason to reschedule the interview}.

Can we reschedule our interview for another date {date or time}? I am also available {a few other dates and times that suit you}.

I apologize for the situation occurred. What time or date is the best for you?

There are many important reasons why people need to reschedule a job interview, including diseases, family emergency, work responsibilities, etc. These templates can help you to reschedule an interview and keep all the chances to get the desired position. When dealing with rescheduling, make sure to name a legitimate reason, reach your interviewer as soon as possible, and always keep a backup plan in your mind. You can reach your interviewer by the phone or e-mail in order to reschedule an interview. Always keep in your mind that rescheduling is only possible when you have a solid reason to change the date or the time of an interview. Therefore, prepare the proper reason for rescheduling an interview in advance, and make everything possible to keep chances to get the desired job position. Moreover, if you can attend an interview, you should better do it to get your wanted job.

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